
How to Apply


Hello future Mawrter!



First, choose your decision plan


Application Deadline: November 15

对于那些准备好为布林莫尔大学做出个人和经济承诺的学生来说,提前决定是一个很好的选择. 这些申请计划是有约束力的,根据提前决定录取的学生必须在布林莫尔注册. 虽然这对那些对我们的社区和他们家庭的经济援助资格有深刻理解的学生来说是很好的, it is not the best option for everyone. 如果你在秋天仍然不确定你属于哪里,或者如果你想比较多个经济援助计划, you should consider applying Regular Decision.

Application Deadline: January 1

对于那些准备好为布林莫尔大学做出个人和经济承诺的学生来说,提前决定是一个很好的选择. 这些申请计划是有约束力的,根据提前决定录取的学生必须在布林莫尔注册. 虽然这对那些对我们的社区和他们家庭的经济援助资格有深刻理解的学生来说是很好的, it is not the best option for everyone. 如果你在秋天仍然不确定你属于哪里,或者如果你想比较多个经济援助计划, you should consider applying Regular Decision.

Application Deadline: January 15


Application Deadline: March 1


Next, review the application requirements

First-Year Student

如果你是一名高中毕业生,或者高中毕业后正处于间隔年, you can apply to Bryn Mawr as a first-year student.

International Student

Bryn Mawr is a global community where 13% of undergraduates are non-U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Transfer Student

Students change paths for many reasons. If you started your college journey elsewhere, you can still apply to Bryn Mawr as a transfer student.

McBride Scholar

Katharine E. 麦克布莱德学者是非传统年龄的学生(一般为24岁或以上),没有完成学士学位.

Submit your application

Now that you've chosen a decision plan and reviewed the requirements, you can get started on your application. We accept the Common Application and we don't have an application fee.



What Else?

If you are applying for financial aid, your materials are due at the same time as your admissions application. 所有申请人都必须提交CSS简介和随附的税务信息, and domestic applicants are also required to submit the FAFSA. Questions? Check out our financial aid application instructions or contact our office at

虽然不需要面试*,但我们强烈建议您尽可能参加面试. Interviews help us learn more about you beyond your transcript and your essays. 这也是向社区成员询问有关Bryn Mawr的问题的好时机.

Interviews must be completed by the deadline under which you are applying. Interviews for rising seniors will begin in June. 

*We reserve the right to require an interview for students who are homeschooled, graduating early, or attending online school.

提前决定I申请者有望在12月下旬收到录取决定, while Early Decision II applicants will receive a decision in mid-February. Regular Decision applicants will receive their admissions decisions in mid-March.


Still Have Questions?

You've come to the right place—here are questions we often get from applicants.

Yes, we are standardized test-optional for all applicants. 如果你是国际申请者,你仍然需要提交英语水平成绩. Be sure to review our testing policy for all the details.

No.* While we do not require interviews, 我们强烈推荐他们,因为这是一个很好的机会,除了你的申请材料之外,你还可以分享更多关于你自己的信息,了解更多关于布林莫尔的信息.

*我们保留要求参加家庭学校或在线学校的学生进行面试的权利, or are graduating early.

你必须作为一年级学生向学院申请资助,才能被考虑在学院四年中的任何一年获得机构资助. To be considered for institutional aid from the College as a first-year student, 对于普通申请中关于经济援助意向的问题,你的回答必须是“是”." 


Students admitted to Bryn Mawr College as first-time undergraduate students are automatically considered for the Bryn Mawr Merit Scholarship; no additional application is required. Applicants are evaluated using Bryn Mawr’s holistic admission review process, 它考虑了许多因素,包括但不限于学术课程和表现, involvement in school and community, leadership qualities, letters of recommendation, quality and content of writing, and potential to contribute in meaningful ways to the Bryn Mawr community.

即使没有证明经济需要,学生也可以获得布林莫尔优秀奖学金. Merit scholarships may be awarded to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Scholarships are non-negotiable and only awarded at the time of admission. Merit scholarships up to $45,如果学生在布林莫尔全日制注册,每年最多可获得8个学期的奖学金,并且可以续签.

80 percent of our students receive some type of financial aid. Bryn Mawr is committed to meeting 100 percent of demonstrated need. Visit the Financial Aid website to learn more about the College’s funding policies.

Yes. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为国际学生提供基于需求的经济援助,其中可能包括助学金, loans, and campus employment. 学院满足所有被录取学生的充分证明需求,这些资金有很大的竞争. Learn more about financial aid.

No. Bryn Mawr College is need-sensitive. 这意味着学生向学院申请的资助金额可能会影响录取决定. This is because Bryn Mawr has a limited pool of resources, 然而,也致力于满足所有被录取学生的充分证明需求. Once admissibility is determined, funds are distributed until the financial aid budget has been depleted. If there are places remaining in the class, a student's request for aid may determine if they are admitted or not.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在招生过程中不会基于国籍或公民身份进行歧视. In addition, Bryn Mawr从全球的角度做出录取决定,而不是为了做出这些决定而把学生分成“国际”和“国内”. Bryn Mawr还满足所有符合条件的学生的充分证明的经济需求, including undocumented students. Learn more about admissions and financial aid resources for Undocu+ students.

Yes. The Bryn Mawr supplement is an additional component to the Common Application. 补充材料的核心是论文,它将帮助招生委员会更多地了解你对学校的兴趣——它也为你提供了另一个展示写作技巧的机会. The Bryn Mawr supplement can be found on the Common Application website.

We recommend that prospective students think carefully about Early Decision. 布林莫尔的提前决定是有约束力的,这意味着如果被录取,你必须在学院注册. 申请Early的学生应该将Bryn Mawr作为他们的第一和唯一的大学选择. In addition, 根据提前录取计划录取的学生必须撤回其他学院和大学的申请.

No. 我们可以考虑你的申请,至少有1个全日制学期(或4个单独的课程)完成大学水平的工作.


Questions for our admissions team? Call our office at (610) 526-5152 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday or email us at